Also, in February of 2015, our daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It has definitely changed our life a great deal, and so occasionally you will see a post relating to how her Diabetes affects our everyday life! I am rebranding this blog because I've really been looking for an outlet to write about more than just my crafty projects! I hope you enjoy the "bits and pieces" of our life that Smithereens has to offer!
Lastly, just for fun here are 15 fun questions about me!
1. Do you have any nicknames?
I'll answer to just about anything! But mostly I just stick to Kristy.
2. Favorite Sports Teams?
Penn State Nittany Lions, Pittsburgh Pirates, and the Pittsburgh Steelers!
3. How many pets do you have ?
I have one dog, Lucky, and he's my favorite! =)
4. What is your worst habit ?
I would say biting my nails, but my husband would say leaving lights on and leaving shoes around the house in odd places!
5. Do you play video games?
I LOVE video games! My husband and I have an xBox 360/Kinect and a Wii, and we use both ALL the time! We also have an old school Nintendo which we play frequently as well!
6. Do you have children or want children ?
We had a sweet baby girl on October 30th of 2013! We would like to have at least one more, but we are going to wait a few years first! =)
7. Favorite color and why ?
When making projects, I usually gravitate towards the cooler colors (blues, greens, purples, greys). However, I do love warm colors in the right setting too!
8. Who is/are your personal role models ?
Other than my parents, I would say anyone that stands up for what they believe in and helps others. I really admire that quality.
9. What is your favorite thing to cook ?
I have lots. Right now because we have lots of tomatoes, I've been making some really great spanish and mexican inspired dishes! I also make a great lasagna, and my family wedding soup recipe is a classic favorite of all of our friends!
10. What is your favorite season of the year ?
Probably Autumn, although they all have fantastic qualities.
11. Biggest pet peeves?
Leaving things out of the refrigerator that could spoil, and noisy eating!
12. Favorite Movie?
Comedy? Clue
Drama? Crash
13. Favorite Book?
While I adore Harry Potter as much as the next nerdy fangirl, I really REALLY loved The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. If you want to read an awesomely life-changing book, pick that one up!
14. What would be your dream job ?
Honestly, my current job IS my dream job IF I made more money and the entire staff was as excited as I am to teach!
15. What is the most important thing in your life ?
Family and Friends. Nothing else really matters!