So, it happened. As it always seems to, I get super busy once I start school again, and my blogging suffers! I’m definitely aware of it, and so I’m trying this year to at least post once or twice a month! Right now, there is still so much great stuff going on!
So I KNOW that it’s already October, but I want to talk about September. So much great stuff happens every year in September.
First, I get a new batch of students. This is always exciting, and this year has been particularly awesome. I love getting to know a whole new group of teenagers that I’m going to get the priviledge to watch grow up and *hopefully* mature. This year, I have a really kind and hard-working group overall. I have had relatively few discipline problems, and a lot of students that are very eager to learn. This, combined with getting a classroom again (last year I had to travel between rooms) and a change in leadership in our building has been a total breath of fresh air. I feel great and revitalized to do the best that I can everyday.
That’s not to say I forget my former students! Recently, I’ve really enjoyed hearing about the wonderful and exciting accomplishments of many of my old students. So many of them are doing exactly what they wanted - or are working hard towards amazing goals. This past month-ish, I have seen many former students landing jobs and internships, getting engaged, doing amazing charity work, getting degrees, studying abroad, becoming parents OR reaching other family milestones, celebrating work anniversaries, and so much more. If any former student is reading this I want all of you to know how proud I am of you! Whether your recent achievements have been professional or personal, I’m always inspired by how much good you guys are out there doing in the world. =)
Ok - so now on the personal side. We made it through September without *almost* any illness for my daughter! She had a very quick bout of hand, foot and mouth over Labor Day, but recovered VERY quickly. This lack of illness is HUGE, as my start of school and her start of daycare usually mean that germs overtake us and much of the month is spent trying to figure out who is going to take off work to stay home when she is sick. It was so great to be able to have a healthy kid going into fall - we got so much more fun time! She’s also almost potty trained and is starting to get more adventurous with food! And most importantly - her diabetes numbers were VERY good during September!!! I’m looking forward to continuing all of the fall related activities that October has to bring!
There’s so much more, but I think I’ll save much of it for another post. I definitely have a canning update, and a post about my love for the fall season in general, but I’ll save those for another day!
Has everyone else had a nice beginning to the fall? I’d love to hear your highlights in the comments!